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Information for Parents


Florence Vasquez photo contest

Dear Parents and Family Members,

You play an important role in supporting your student throughout their study abroad experience. The study abroad process may seem a bit daunting at first, but be assured that UTA Study Abroad staff are available to assist students during the planning stages, while abroad, and after they return to campus.

As a parent, we understand that you will have many questions, and likely as many concerns, about your student studying abroad through UTA. While we welcome any questions you may have, we recommend that you encourage your student to ask these questions during their many advising sessions with our office. Studying abroad requires a high level of maturity and responsibility on the part of the student, which our office attempts to foster throughout the pre-departure stage. It is our hope that the greater responsibility the student takes in each step of the study abroad planning stage will lead to a more successful experience while abroad. We encourage you to explore this website and any program information with your student.  If there are any specific details that are unclear or you would like more information on, please ask your student to contact us and we will be happy to provide further information.

While your student is abroad, there will likely be times that they will experience stress and unease due to adjusting to a new culture and location. We try to prepare all students for various degrees of culture shock while abroad, but there may still be times that they contact you during times of home sickness. Should your student contact you during one of these times, remember to stay calm and know that students often turn to their friends and family back home when they are experiencing one of the lowest points in the cultural adjustment process. Encourage them to stay positive and emphasize the importance of a sense of humor and patience when dealing with difficult situations. If you notice that a sense of “gloominess” persists or your student is having significant difficulty with any issues, encourage them to speak with their on-site Resident Director, faculty program leader, or study abroad advisor who can assist them through these issues.

For answers to some of the questions most frequently asked by parents and family members, please visit our Parent FAQs page. If after reviewing this information and talking with your student you still have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 817.272.1120 or Thanks again for your support and we hope your student has the best study abroad experience possible.

The UTA Study Abroad Team